Our Classes


1:1 Meditation Coaching

This practice is by appointment only and follows a developmental curriculum for deepening a student’s meditation practice. Students of all levels are welcome and will work one-on-one with Amy for 8 weeks meeting twice a week for 30 minutes.

Meditation Basics

This is an introductory practice that helps students begin and sustain a meditation practice. We establish a ritual for our practice, learn how to attend to the breath, sit still, and watch the mind.  We learn various concentration mudras (hand postures), how to breathe with the whole body, and practice “lion mind” concentration (most of us have a “monkey mind,” or scattered attention).  After 8 weeks or so, students should have acquired enough skill to sustain a practice on their own, though some choose to continue for continuity and support. 

Insight Meditation

Take a well-deserved break at noon Monday - Friday to practice 30-45 minute Insight meditation. Insight meditation (Vipassana) is an ancient meditation technique that literally means “to see things as they really are.” In Insight meditation we practice bringing our attention back to the breath again and again in order to focus the mind and calm the body. We then practice feeling physical sensations and noticing the content of our thoughts without becoming entangled in them. Building a conscious connection between mind and body is the key to experiencing the world exactly as it is in the present moment.

Insight meditation trains the mind and the body to attend to experience as it really is without the spin of our past or concern about the future. This class is currently online only.

Sunday Evening Guided Meditation

This 45 minute guided mindfulness practice includes sitting & walking meditation. Guided under the expertise of Amy Lee, you will leave feeling more centered, relaxed and full of gratitude and insight. This is an in-person practice only.

Sound Bath Meditation

Sound Baths have been used for healing for thousands of years. The chakra tonal-range singing bowls played by energy healer, Luma, create vibrations that change the patterns of water and, since our bodies are 60% water, when exposed to the vibrations of the singing bowls, our bodies change – specifically, tensions ease and our body fluids flow unobstructed. We focus on the sensations that arise in the body and the thoughts they inspire. Sound baths help the body settle, energy equalize and the mind & body to reconnect.

Saturday Morning Silent Meditation + Shared Reading

This in-person meditation is a silent practice for 25-30 minutes followed by a shared reading from an inspirational book. We have read books of poetry, short stories, philosophy, and lots of books about meditation. We pass the book around so that everyone has a chance to read and then open to discussion.

Chanting Meditation

Also called Mantra Meditation, chanting is a form of meditation that occupies the mind, establishes a breathing pattern and sets an intention. It can be especially useful for a beginner meditator who may have difficulty quieting the mind; however, because the chants are in Sanskrit, some may feel uncomfortable with it. Once discomfort is overcome, chanting is a truly joyful experience and when chanting in a group, is a wonderful community-building experience as well.

Meditation In Spanish

¿Le gustaría tener más presencia de corazón?  ¿Más claridad mental?  ¿Le gustaría sentirse más relajado y equilibrado?  ¿Le interesa mejorar la calidad de su vida, especialmente sus relaciones con los miembros de su familia y colegas de trabajo?  La atención plena (lo que se llama Mindfulness en inglés) puede ayudarlo a desarrollar más claridad mental y equilibrio emocional. Puede ayudarlo a relajarse, concentrarse, desconectarse de distracciones y mejorar las capacidades de memoria y atención.   La práctica de atención plena lo ayudará a hacerse cargo de la dirección y la calidad de su propia vida, incluidas sus relaciones con su familia, sus relaciones en el trabajo y como usted se relaciona con el mundo.

Cuando practica la atención plena, se enfoca en tomar conciencia de lo que está sintiendo y pensando en el momento, sin juzgarlo, desarrollando la capacidad de cultivar la apreciación por cada momento de su vida.  En esta clase aprenderá métodos de respiración, meditaciones guíadas y otras prácticas que lo ayudarán a desarrollar la atención plena.

Would you like to have more presence of heart?  More mental clarity?  Are you interested in feeling more relaxed and balanced?  In improving the quality of your life, especially your relationships with your family members and work colleagues?  Mindfulness can support you to develop more mental clarity and emotional balance. It can help you relax, focus, tune out distractions, as well as improve memory and attention skills.  A mindfulness practice will support you to take charge of the direction and quality of your own life, including your relationships within your family, your relationships at work, as well as how you relate with the world.

When you practice mindfulness, you focus on becoming aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without judging your thoughts and feelings, as you develop the ability to cultivate appreciation for each moment of your life.  In this class you will learn breathing methods, guided meditations, and other practices that will help you to develop mindfulness.


Hatha Yoga - Bilingual

This style of yoga uses classical postures with slight variations to accommodate all levels of yoga students.  Hatha has hundreds of poses, including well-known ones such as Downward-Facing Dog and Standing Forward Bend. Poses are usually held for several breaths before you move onto the next.This class focuses primarily on releasing tension, connecting with the breath, and helping students gain strength and flexibility.

¿Qué es Hatha Yoga? Hatha Yoga  es un estilo de yoga el cual mantiene la técnica y principios del yoga más   clásico, con momentos de fluidez y unión entre las asanas (posturas físicas) a través de la respiración y el movimiento.  Esta clase está diseñada con ligeras adaptaciones para principiantes al igual que para los estudiantes de yoga con más experiencia. 

Restorative Yoga - Bilingual

Restorative yoga is a gentle form of yoga designed to relax your body, soothe the mind and tune into the nervous system’s healing capacity. The class offers gentle floor based sequences using bolsters, blankets, and props that support the practitioner to fully relax the muscles. Students can expect to hold restorative yoga poses  between 5 and 20 minutes to help relieve stress and tensions, leading to deeper relaxation.


Yoga Restaurativo: El objetivo de este tipo de yoga es relajar el cuerpo y el sistema nervioso en asanas o posturas de yoga pasivas y reconstituyentes, que se adapten completamente a nuestro cuerpo para encontrar comodidad y así poder mantenerse en ellas durante un periodo de tiempo más largo, generalmente entre 5 y 20 minutos, obteniendo todos sus beneficios sin necesidad de estresar el cuerpo. En esta clase de yoga se utilizan soportes como mantas, cojines,  cinturones de yoga, sillas… de manera que todas las partes del cuerpo encuentren un punto de apoyo.

Slow Flow

This class moves through poses at a slower pace, allowing students to experience longer holds and connect more deeply to the breath.  It is a perfect way to stretch the body and release stress. Class will include a guided meditation at the beginning or the end of the yoga practice.

Open Flow

The word vinyasa means “to place in a special way” and in this class the poses are weaved together fluidly and creatively, designed to get you into your body and connect to your breath.  It is an open-level class, meaning the teachers will offer different variations to accommodate different experience levels.  

Yin Yoga

In this class you will work on your connective tissues such as facia, tendons, and ligaments to help release tensions and stress throughout, especially around hips, lower back and shoulders.  The entire class takes place on the floor, and each pose is held 3-5 minutes, supported with props, aiding to promote healing and removing stagnation in the body and mind.  The class will end with deep relaxation and guided meditation.

Core Yoga

This low-impact workout combines elements of pilates, yoga, and balance training to improve postural alignment, increase endurance, flexibility and create a balanced body.

Kind Yoga for ALL Bodies

Kind yoga is ideal for the student looking to make peace with their body and build unshakeable confidence - just as they are! Perfect for persons of all shapes, sizes and abilities, this class uses gentle yoga poses coupled with compassionate self-inquiry to allow students to connect to the internal signals of their own body (interoception). Kind yoga is a patient and nonjudgemental practice fostering self-compassion, authenticity and overall well-being. It is letting go of criticisms and comparisons, and "feeling" (rather than "performing") yoga. Join us on your journey towards fluid movement, stretching and enjoying your body exactly as it is: right here, right now.

Yoga for your Unique Body

The physical practice of yoga is a celebration of the ability to move. Yoga helps us develop a profound awareness of our body’s anatomical nuances, and this "movement with awareness" can be taken off the mat to create change in deeply rooted habits/imbalances throughout our day.

These classes begin with an awareness of movement that can be both applied to daily life as well as to the class. From there we will move through several sequences that explore different articulations of a pose, with subsequent flows increasing in speed and adding challenges and building to a peak expression of the flow -- movement at its most graceful.

Restorative & Yoga Nidra

Journey into deep relaxation through a fusion of Restorative and Yoga Nidra. We start the first half of class guiding the body into stillness. Through the use of props, we activate the “calm cascade” of restorative yoga. Supported poses are held for an extended time allowing the body to relax and heal.

The second half of class we transition into Yoga Nidra also known as “Yogic Sleep”. In yoga Nidra, the body is completely relaxed in savasana (laying down) while students are guided through the five layers of self. Students are led to a calm and restful state of consciousness through breathing exercises and body scans, allowing for deep relaxation and a feeling of interconnected wholeness.

Iyengar Yoga

Iyengar Yoga was developed by BKS Iyengar and is deeply grounded in the yoga sutras of Patanjali, an ancient summation of the path and philosophy of yoga, considered to be at least 2,500 years old. In these classes the focus is on the structural alignment of the body through yoga postures and precise techniques. Iyengar believes that precision builds strength, stamina, balance and flexibility, which leads to a new sense of wellbeing. This is meditation in action where students learn to exist fully and vibrantly in the present moment. The teacher will demonstrate each pose and will guide students into yoga postures. Appropriate for all experience levels, including beginners.